Hangover (The Fog Book 4) Read online

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  Sam emerged with Ted’s massive TV held shakily between his hands. “Like that,” Benjamin hissed. “Are you kidding me? That’s the best thing in the room!”

  “But he did fight through zombies to give us our food,” Elijah said.

  “Yeah, well, so did all of us,” Benjamin said. “Fighting zombies isn’t exactly a special skill these days.”

  “Thanks for the TV,” Sam said. “Don’t call again.”

  Elijah slammed the door behind Sam. “Can you believe the nerve of that delivery guy?” he asked. “After we gave him a TV?”

  “Who cares?” Daisy asked. “At least, they brought our food. I hope they remembered the extra pickle spears.”

  “Well, I don’t know about everyone else, but Chad’s decaying body is kind of turning my stomach. Maybe we should move him somewhere before we start eating?” Sara suggested.

  “Oh, right,” Elijah said, “Probably.”

  Sara grabbed Chad’s ankles, Elijah his wrists, and together, they dragged Chad out into the hallway. Benjamin and the others trailed along behind them. Finally, Chad found his resting place on the carpet, right beside his Ted brethren.

  Benjamin wrinkled his nose. The smell was dreadful, and he knew it was only going to get worse the longer the bodies remained there.

  “Maybe we need to figure out a long-term plan for disposing of these bodies,” Benjamin said.

  “Definitely,” Sara replied, “But we’ll figure that out after we eat.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think there’s much that could ruin my love for subs,” Elijah said, “But how to dispose of a body is probably one of those things.”

  “Right,” Benjamin said.

  They turned back to the apartment. Already, Amber had donned latex gloves, poured a good half-dozen chemicals into the rug, and was fiercely scrubbing the blood out. Benjamin wondered if all those chemicals were safe to be mixed together or if Amber had inadvertently created chlorine gas. It wasn’t that Benjamin doubted her skills per se; she clearly had a huge fixation on cleaning. Rather, it was just that people sometimes legitimately didn’t realize that there was danger in mixing cleaning chemicals together.

  Finally, they all crammed into the tiny kitchen and around the even tinier table. Benjamin opened his sandwich and felt as though he had found the Holy Grail itself. “Thank God,” he said, taking a massive bite out of his sandwich.

  “And we have extra for the next few days,” Alex said, “Assuming someone doesn’t eat them all.”

  “Hey!” Elijah exclaimed. “I take offense to that! It was Ted who always ate all the food in the place.”

  “Well,” Sara said, “This night didn’t go how I expected it to.”

  “But you got a cool story out of it,” Amber pointed out. “I mean, when people ask about your ex, you can tell him that things got a little…shady.”

  Sara groaned. “I would expect a pun like that from Daisy, but from you?”

  Amber shrugged.

  Daisy hadn’t even touched her sandwich; instead, she was texting feverishly beneath the table.

  “So Benjamin gets first dibs on the shower,” Elijah said, wrinkling his nose.

  “Thanks,” Benjamin replied. “How is the water pressure here? And the water heater?”

  “Terrible,” Elijah replied.

  “Great,” Benjamin sighed.

  “You know,” Sara said, “We haven’t actually gotten to test ours out yet. I hope there isn’t a problem. I’ve been through the whole process of trying to get maintenance to work on something before, and I seriously doubt that the zombie apocalypse would make them any more efficient.”

  “God, if there’s something wrong, we’re going to be without hot water for a year!” Amber exclaimed.

  “You could always come over to our shower,” Elijah said, using an affected purr.

  “Uh huh. And enjoy your poor water pressure?” Sara asked.

  “And the bad water heater?” Amber added. “Do you know how freezing that water would be if we all took a shower?”

  “Well, maybe if we double—” Elijah began.

  Sara reached from beneath the table and produced a knife. “I wouldn’t finish that suggestion if I was you,” Sara said.


  “So guess who has a job tomorrow?” Daisy asked, slapping her hands on the table.

  “You?” Sara replied.

  “Yes! Two-hundred dollars to go and knock out some Teds with my beloved baseball bat! I can’t wait!”

  “Too bad you couldn’t get that job today,” Benjamin said. “I could have kept a TV if you had.”

  “True,” Daisy said, “But I promise that we all deeply appreciate your sacrifice.”

  “Two-hundred dollars isn’t bad,” Sara mused. “Even if you only got to kill for one person, that’s still more than you would make working your usual job. If business is steady, we could just do that full-time and quit our old jobs.”

  “No kidding!” Daisy exclaimed. “I think I could get used to being Daisy, the Ted slayer!”

  “Maybe don’t put ‘Ted’ on your business cards,” Benjamin said wryly.

  “Right, I wouldn’t,” Daisy replied.

  “So where are you going for this job?” Sara asked.

  “The Bronx, baby!” Daisy replied. “Apparently, there’s a problem over there, and they need little, old me to go bash some heads!”

  “You know,” Sara said, “I should go with you. I’m broke, too, and if this really takes off, I could quit at Trader Joes. I can’t stand those tacky Hawaiian flowered shirts they make us wear.”

  “I don’t blame you there,” Amber said. “They’re hideous. I don’t know if I want to go on a killing mission, but I could always help you with clean-up. I’m pretty good at that!”

  “You’re great at that,” Sara said.

  Daisy nodded in agreement.

  Sara’s lips curved into a smile. “I think, ladies, that we have a wonderful idea here,” Sara said, raising her chipped coffee mug filled with half-flat soda that she had pilfered from the fridge.

  Unfortunately, they had forgotten to order drinks, and calling the sub place and asking for them to deliver more didn’t seem like the best idea at the moment.

  “To us!” Sara announced. “Our new Ted-slaying service!”

  Benjamin exchanged looks with Alex and Elijah. The latter awkwardly shifted his seat further away from Daisy, making a sharp screeching noise as the metal folding chair was scooted across the floor.

  “You boys make fun all you want,” Sara said. “We’re going to be rolling in money from this!”

  “I’m sure you are,” Elijah said, nervously eyeing Daisy’s bat. “You’re just all very excited by the idea. That’s all.”

  “What’s not to love about getting the bills paid?” Daisy asked.

  “And having extra money? I make about two-fifty a week,” Sara said. “This is nearly a whole week’s pay! Like, I would be a fool to turn that down!”

  “And if we can all get paid…” Amber trailed off.

  “Precisely,” Sara said, her eyes bright. “This is going to be a blast. What’s wrong, Elijah? Are you afraid to get a little dirty?”

  “No,” Elijah replied. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Benjamin knew exactly what Elijah meant. These girls were frightening in enthusiasm, but Benjamin was definitely not going to point that out.


  Hey guys, Hayley here,

  I hope you enjoyed Hangover; the story came to me when I was thinking what would the gang do after a night of drinking. Of course, you’d have a hangover and the munches!

  What food would you like when you have a hangover?

  Add your answer along with your review (smiley face) I love reading reviews, and they are really great for other readers to learn about awesome stories, like The Fog Series.

  Off to work on book five in The Fog series, The Undead Salesman!

  Thank you



  If you loved, Hangover try out, Contamination > Amazon

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  After a wave of fear crashes over the world in response to a deadly virus. Fear intensifies when it's discovered that the virus is the first wave of attack by an alien race that wants Earth for themselves.

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  Contamination (1)

  Inhabitable (2)

  Stowaway (3)


  Madness Unleashed (1)

  Madness Rising (2)

  Escaping Madness (3)


  Zapacolypse (1)

  Zurrounded (2)


  The Fog (1)

  Beer Run (2)

  Lock In (3)

  Hangover (4)

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