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Wasteland: Age of Sanctions (A Invasion Survivor Series) Page 4

  I smile at the lab worker with satisfaction.

  The mixture of different foods drifts up my nose as soon as I enter the dining area; I especially notice the sweet smells of chocolates and fruits. My mouth waters at the array of food offered. We all head over to the food table with its delicious variety of food. Many of these treats I've never tasted before. If I became a Host, every day I could try something new, and smell the roses. As I glance around the room, my classmates have a puzzled look on their faces, as if they are thinking the same thing as me.

  “Help yourselves,” the lab worker adds.

  Everyone freezes for a moment, not used to having a choice. A click of plates from a worker breaks the awkward unknown and a classmate starts digging into the food.

  We all quickly join in.

  Soft music is playing in the background.

  “Kanye West,” Madam Enid nods with a faint smile. “They surely want to impress you with their taste in one of the oldest songs of time,” she adds, as I take in the melody. We don’t listen to this kind of songs in Cueva.

  “Is this what they listen to?” Madison asks, straining her ears to hear well.

  “Well, most of the people of Purenet don’t, as they prefer other type of music, much older than Kanye West’s songs,” Madam Enid informs. “However, I prefer this kind of music – this has much more taste to it than others.”

  I smile and then turn to look at the food on the table. “What's this?” I ask Lowell, who's managed to slide in next to me.

  “I haven't got a clue.” We both stare oddly at the red thing on my fork.

  “Madam Enid, what's this?” I say, waving the fork.

  She smiles. “A strawberry—they are good, taste them,” she says, nodding her head, to the annoyance of Madam Uri.

  “I guess that's not on our curriculum either,” Madison whispers.

  “Guess not,” I say just before placing the strawberry into my mouth.

  As I bite down on the soft sweet texture inside, I can almost taste the perfume that's radiating from it.

  I turn to Madam Enid. “Delicious,” I say as the strawberry bulges from the side of my mouth. The juice pours into my mouth, which I quickly close.

  “As bad as your brother,” Lowell says, as he wipes the juice from the edge of my mouth. His hand gently sweeps across my face, making my cheeks tingle.

  “Less of that, Lowell and Skylier,” Madam Uri yells. Lowell's hand instantly drops down toward his plate, leaving my cheeks to heat up with embarrassment.

  We quickly pile our plates with all the treats, catching one another's eyes and smiling.

  Lowell and I sit next to one another, but our hands don't touch. Madam Uri hasn't taken her eyes off us. Madison is seated on the other side of me, and Rian across from us. We all make small talk about the food and steal other tasty treats, which we hadn't spotted, from each other's plates. Every so often someone asks what type of food they are eating and Madam Enid takes great pleasure answering. I wonder if she worked in a food lab when she was living in Purenet.

  Rian tilts his head at me, requesting that I open my mind to him.

  Have you decided? Rian's mind asks the question his lips cannot.

  I don't know, I reply honestly. I'm going to miss you, my mind adds.

  Rian smiles. You will see me on the big screen; I will win the money for mother. I just hope she has time to wait for it... Rian's mind trails off before he can stop; the smile fades as sorrow creeps in.

  She'll wait for you, my mind lies.

  Rian's warm eyes stare at me, knowing I'm lying. His eyes seem older than before; my younger brother is turning into a man.

  He tilts his head back down to his plate, pushing his food around.

  I wish Lowell and I could read each other's mind, then I could tell him how I really feel and ask him not to forget me. A little quiver escapes my lips, as dread of losing everyone pushes down on me like a huge weight of emptiness.

  Madison drags her arm around my shoulder. “If you decide to be a Host, we can see each other every day,” she says, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Let Skylier make her own choice,” Lowell says, leaning past me to Madison.

  “I am all right. Just telling her the truth,” Madison says.

  My stomach is heavy from the food, and from the thought that in a minute I will make a decision that will change my life forever.

  Dax's gaze connects with mine. There is soft warmth to his eyes, with a calming element to them; they are the same color as mine. He reminds me of someone I know, even with the hard shell of his helmet.

  Don't believe them... his voice rings in my head.

  “Okay, class, the time has come for why we are early here,” Madam Uri says, with an element of joy I haven't heard before.

  Everyone quickly moves their plates back to the table, leaving the eating area as though we've never been here. That is part of the Cueva way: We are one family.

  Dax has gone from where he was previously standing, and he’s heading toward the door.

  “Gentlemen, please line up in your number order,” Madam Uri announces.

  We are people, not numbers!

  All the boys do as ordered. We are used to this. In class, we sit in order.

  “Ladies, please do the same.”

  Everyone falls into place.

  Madam Uri points at the door and looks over to Madam Enid, who lifts her hand to the monitor.

  The door doesn't open, and her face quickly turns as red as the cherries I just tasted for the first time in my life.

  “I... I can't,” Madam Enid says, embarrassed, moving away from the door. Madam Uri smiles, revealing her crooked yellow teeth, a clue that she wasn’t born in Purenet. Luckily, I was born with straight teeth. The same cannot be said for most of my friends.

  She knew all the time that Madam Enid wouldn't be able to open the doors. Her hand code has been degraded.

  “Please, can you open the door?” Madam Enid asks Dax.

  There is silence for a moment, as we wait for Dax to respond. He just stands motionless, as though he hasn't heard her. Then he reaches up to his helmet, and brings the eye cover down and looks away from her.

  How rude.

  “Please...” Madam Enid begs the guard next to him. He scans his hand and the creak from the metal door fills the room as the door opens.

  Chapter Seven

  The powerful sunlight rays hit my body, instantly warming me.

  “Ouch...” Madison says from behind me. I've accidentally stepped on her foot.


  “Come on, ladies and gentlemen, it's not as though you haven't seen sunlight before,” Madam Uri laughs, as she walks through the door.

  The line starts to move into the glowing sunlight. I have never been through this door; normally after the bio lab tour we head back to the Hub. Today is different, because we are the graduating class— this is the Selection room.

  Before I know it, I'm standing in the doorway with one foot on the shiny white floor and the other hovering over—it cannot be. It's grass.

  Madison gives me a soft nudge, and my foot lands on green blades that collapse when I stand on them. I quickly lift my foot up to see what damage I've done; the strands pop quickly back up to attention as though the Chancellor has already trained them.

  Gingerly, I continue to walk into the circular room. A breeze blows across my face.

  Panic washes over my body, and I tilt my head back and look up. Phew it’s there, the dome is there. There are windows open, allowing the late afternoon breeze to float through the room. The open windows have special filters on them, so that not to let the virus in with the air.

  The line comes to a halt, and we are in our positions. The males are standing in numerical order at the front, with the females at the back.

  There is a buzz of excitement in the room. In front of the males is a raised white platform with windows rising up to the top of the dome. The glass in the lower section is frost
ed, making it impossible to see what is happening beyond the dome.

  “Hush... hush,” Madam Uri commands. We all fall silent.

  Good luck, Rian...

  Come on, sis, you know even if I'm selected I will not get through to the actual games... our frigging ancestors put a stop to that. What did they do that was so bad?

  I can tell you. Dax's voice rings through my mind.

  Rian, did you hear that?


  Someone else is in my mind.

  Rian quickly turns around toward me, his eyes wide. I motion over to Dax. Him...

  He glances over at Dax, who remains frozen, his shield covering his face, same as the guards.

  Suddenly a large door opens.

  An image of beauty appears in the doorway; it is the Chancellor's son, Xander, and his new wife, Shristi, from the Rubin Sanction.

  “Bow,” Madam Uri commands.

  We all quickly do as she says. I've only seen Shristi on the screen on her wedding day, and it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Her Sanction is full of color, and it was very present in the wedding. “People of Cueva, we bring you here today to announce the selection for the Sanction games,” Xander's deep, powerful voice rings out through the room.

  And to select my new Host and maybe a new Bazi, a voice rings out in my mind; I'm getting sick of this!

  Dax, get out of my head! I scowl at him.

  It wasn't me... can you hear him? Dax replies.

  Rian, was that you?

  Hush... I'm trying to listen. Rian shakes his head, then freezes for a moment. He turns back to me.

  I can now hear three people in the room....

  And then it all falls silent. Xander's blue eyes are bulging and he quickly begins to scan the room.

  Block your mind. I message to Rian, and his mind turns black; I can no longer read him, and more importantly, no one else can either.

  Xander rubs the bottom of his lip, clearly confused.

  Who is here... who dares enter my mind? A deep voice echoes out. His eyes swiftly move around the room once again, clearly hoping someone will answer.

  Everyone is now staring at him, a little confused, as he stands there silently.

  “The games,” Shristi says softly, breaking his silence.

  He shakes his head as he rolls his eyes, smiling, and waves his hand.

  “Where was I...?”

  “About to make the announcement,” Madam Uri calls. Xander shoots her a poisonous glare... If I wanted you to speak I would give you permission, you filthy Outsider.

  A lump appears in my throat. I know I'm the only person who heard him. Then he follows with a fake smile. “As I was saying, we are here today to announce which Cueva will represent our Sanction.” They will never be part of it.

  Sweat enters my fists, each time I squeeze them tighter... I want to stop listening to his thoughts. But I want to know more.

  “The games were started two hundred years ago by our founding Fathers and the Empire, as a way to celebrate how mankind and the earth survived the wars of the 2030. Today’s technology has allowed us to stay away from the Muting Virus. I am proud to say that I will be leading the year 2330 team to win the games and bring great pride to our Sanction.” Power and money...

  “You have been training all your lives for these Games.” You stupid lab rats, sacrificing your lives for us, and you will never be accepted here. “Over the years, people have died in the games, but that is part of the battle for freedom. Do you have the fire within you to win?” Xander asks.

  The room falls silent.

  Frigging idiots, another group that will not get past the first round, just one year I would like to win! Xander’s mind complains.

  “Well, do you?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” the deep voices of the males ring out together united.

  “You will be selected for your strength, your speed and your brains.” You are our sacrifice....

  Heat fills my body as my blood boils, as if I'm about to explode.

  “Yet still each year our Sanction is left in shame by the other five Sanctions. And all we can win is The Pit.” The frigging pit, which is designed for us to win. This year I will prove to Father that we can win; time to play by my rules, his mind adds.

  I don't want Rian to be selected, not after that. But we have no choice.

  The room falls silent once again. “This year is our year, we will win,” or you will die trying, says his mind.

  Xander glances over at his personal security officer and the guard quickly comes to his side, holding out his hand computer.

  Staring down at it for a moment, Xander then begins to call out the numbers, one after another. Thirty will be selected today. They will go straight to the male compound and begin training. Then, once training is completed, the top ten will be selected.

  Time for a game changer, Father will love these selections, Xander’s mind says.

  Rian’s number is next. Good luck, I love you. I say to Rian.

  I love you too.

  Xander stops calling out numbers, then quickly lowers the little computer and climbs down from the platform. Shristi reaches for him, and he brushes her hand away. She swiftly folds her arms in response, tapping her overgrown nails on her arm.

  He begins to slowly walk along the line where Rian is standing, looking each male in his eyes, as if he is trying to read their minds. He glances at his screen and then calls out a number


  It's Rian's number. Madison nudges me and is smiling at me, unaware of what is happening.

  Xander turns to me. There is pressure in my head as he tries to enter my mind. I cannot break his glare, he will not enter. He pushes past my brother, and the row of males behind him. He is standing in front of me now, our eyes locked together.

  My mind is strong, but my body is not. It's as if I'm shrinking under his presence. He tilts his head, and his eyes move up and down my body.

  Are you in my head, pretty little girl?

  I stand frozen to the spot. He peers down on me, and his nose is almost touching mine. The tension fills the air, making my lungs weigh down. I don't answer.

  “Xander. We have a luncheon with your father,” Shristi announces, folding her arms. He breaks his glare.

  Later, my pretty one... I select you to be my Host...

  I stifle a gasp; I will own your whole body and mind.

  “Arh... arh.” Swiftly raising my hand to my nose, I pretend to sneeze. Xander quickly moves out of the way.

  Yeah, you'd better run from my virus. I will never be your Host.

  He quickly looks over at the guard, who says, “They were all checked for disease or viruses.”

  Xander rubs his hand across his milky-white face. “Where was I?” he says as he checks his computer, and then back at me. I can feel his eyes burning into my cheeks. “Here.”

  He continues to call out the numbers, and he walks back to the platform.

  “Congratulations to those who have been selected. Gentlemen, please go with the guard.” Time to say goodbye to your loved ones forever, his mind mocks.

  With that, the selection for the Sanction Games is over.

  Rian follows the others, not looking back once. I know he wants to, but it's not safe here. I want to give him a hug and wish him good luck. My heart aches for him.

  Goodbye Rian, my mind is blocked, I love you, I wish my mind could tell Rian. My eyes glaze over as I cannot allow Rian in my mind; if I open it to him Xander will be able to read it as well.

  I will not see him until after the Games.

  Is it him? Is it him? Xander's mind rings out, mocking me, as each one walks by Rian.

  Rian lifts his hand up toward the scanner. For his upgrade, he will have level two clearances. I glance down at my bar code that only gives me level one. Basically access to Cueva. Rian will be able, when not training, to walk freely around Purenet.

  I rub the bar code, that's smooth to my skin; if my eyes were clos
ed I wouldn't even know it was there.

  Madison's hand reaches out for mine, covering my bar code and revealing hers—that's going to be upgraded in a matter of moments. I have to get out of this room. My body moves forward, out of the line.

  “You okay?” Madison whispers as she pulls me back, “Lowell wasn't selected,” she says softly.

  My heart jumps. He wasn't selected? The thought never crossed my mind that he wouldn't be selected. I scan the room for him. She's right; I can see the firmness of his shoulders and trimmed head looking down to the floor. He's not been selected; he's not going to leave me.

  I feel guilty in my joy. I know he should have been walking alongside my brother; he's just as good as Rian, maybe even better. One by one the selected raise their hands over the monitor, the red light beams over it, allowing each one to leave.

  I hold my breath as Rian steps forward. He turns toward me, pulling his lips in, like he wants to speak with me but stops himself.

  Don't speak, I will care for my mother; win the games for us, my mind messages Rian.

  Rian nods, knowing that he cannot break through my mind block; he's tried before and never been successful—that's a trait only females have.

  With that he leaves the room, along with the others selected.

  “Males not selected, step to the back of the room,” Xander orders, and let me see my selections, his mind adds.

  There is a hush as the boys move to the back of the room in shame. I try to catch Lowell's eyes, but they don't meet mine, they are fixed to the ground.

  My mouth dries up from burning sensations of being watched.

  I glance upward. The block of bodies between me and Xander has gone. Now the boys are either behind us or have left the room to begin their training. Xander is standing on the raised white platform looking down on me with a smug smile across his face.

  I glance at Dax.

  Do you know him? Xander's voice echoes once again. I smile softly at Madison as though I have not heard him.

  Xander moves toward his wife and whispers something to her.

  They both turn toward me and I cannot control the urge to stare back at them. His wife nods, almost in agreement, with a smile on her face, creating cracks in her makeup.

  She also chooses you as our Host....